Tang Lung
By the time the cat and mouse chase was over and the gladiators warmed up to do battle, the showdown would become the fight of the century. The level of choreography, fight psychology and drama
set the bar so high that only a few? film fights have ever come close to reaching. What Tang Lung and Colt succeeded in doing was taking its audience on a ride of transcendental quality--mesmerized by the
contrasting styles, opposing colors and fluidity of motion. Add a psychadelic track with well timed camera zoom-ins and there my friend, you have a piece of inimitable film--virtually impossible to copy.
We can bow down to the genius of Bruce Lee, who gave us this classic which was his very first motion picture he wrote, directed and produced besides starring and choreographing the action. Incomparable!
* See how I made Tang Lung in: The Making of Tang Lung Statue.
Don't hesitate to email me at martengo or via if you have any questions regarding my Tang Lung PD statue or work process. Especially if you are following these steps as a guide to making your own statue.